Friday, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

buildz_Orthagonal on Placement: making a brick wall

Another tutorial from Buildz shows how to create a brick wall by Revit Curtain wall and customized brick family.

Tutorial Link:

image from buildz:

Sun Tracking Panels

An example of using the "Orientation" parameter for adaptive points, particularly "orthogonal on placement". Using the same features, you can design a panel that creates optimized relationships to solar orientation regardless of where it is placed on a particular surface.

Tutorial Link:

Vedio from

Friday, August 13, 2010



to be updated:
CreateTrimmedSurface or CopyTrimCurves may be what you are looking for

Keep tracking the new release of RhinoCommon for the Brep attributes for additional parametric control.

Rhino 4.0 .NET SDK:
OnBrep copyTrimmedPattern(OnBrep source, OnSurface target)
  OnBrep brep = new OnBrep(source);
  if((brep.m_F.Count() == 1) && target != null)
    OnBrepFace face = brep.m_F[0];

    OnSurface surface = target.DuplicateSurface();
    int index = brep.AddSurface(surface);

    if (brep.RebuildEdges(ref face, 0.001, true, true))

  return brep;

2010 0810 CopyTrim: